Banana Fana Fo Co.

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Consistency is Key: 5 Reasons Why You Can’t Quit Posting

As a small business owner, posting to social media is a total pain. It’s a time-consuming task that needs constant attention and often distracts from other seemingly more important to-dos. We get it. We’ve totally lived that life as business owners too.

Consistently posting on your business social media pages is important though and has major benefits if you can keep up. On the flip side, missing the mark runs the risk of devaluing all the effort you’ve put in. Want to get an edge on the competition and make the most of your social media accounts – get into a rhythm. Here’s why:

1. Stay top-of-mind with customers

When you post regularly, you increase the chances of your audience seeing and remembering your brand. This can help you stay top of mind when they need products or services that you offer.

2. Increase engagement

Posting regularly can increase engagement with your audience, as they will have more opportunities to interact with your content. This can lead to more likes, comments, shares, and followers, which can help you expand your reach and grow your audience.

3. Boost visibility

Social media algorithms often prioritize content that is recent and active. By posting consistently, you can boost the visibility of your content and increase the likelihood of it being seen by your target audience.

4. Build trust

Consistent posting can help you build trust with your audience by showing that your business is active, reliable, and committed to providing value. This can help increase brand loyalty and repeat business.

5. Establish authority

By consistently posting valuable and informative content, you can establish your business as an authority in your industry. This can help you attract more customers and position your brand as a thought leader.

Overall, consistent posting is a key element of a successful social media strategy. By regularly sharing relevant and engaging content with your audience, you can build brand awareness, increase engagement, and ultimately drive more traffic, leads, and sales for your business.

We’re here to help

Like I said before – we’ve lived the this-is-too-much-to-handle life of social media marketing. And, honestly, we’ve found better ways to do it. By being focused experts at building brands online, Banana Fana Fo Co. has the tools, talents and processes in place to build your business and keep your customer engaged day…after day…after day…after day. We’re in it for the long haul and here to help lighten the marketing load whenever you’re ready.

Laura is Banana Fana Fo's maven of modern marketing. She's been designing and creating for 20+ years and has built a brand roster including LucasFilm, The Simpsons, Sesame Street Workshop, Paramount+, Lee Jeans, Kendra Scott, Hallmark and many more. Her passion, though, is in helping small businesses grow. She leverages that big biz know-how to drive major impact from tight budgets for entrepreneurs.

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