Banana Fana Fo Co.

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7 Tips to Expand Your Customer Base

Expanding your customer base is a critical component of growing a small business. With a larger customer base, you can increase sales, revenue, and profitability. However, expanding your customer base can be a challenging and time-consuming process. Here are some strategies that small businesses can use to expand their customer ...

Consistency is Key: 5 Reasons Why You Can’t Quit Posting

As a small business owner, posting to social media is a total pain. It's a time-consuming task that needs constant attention and often distracts from other seemingly more important to-dos. We get it. We've totally lived that life as business owners too. Consistently posting on your business social media pages is ...

8 Content Ideas to Share on Your Small Business Social Media

Consistent posting on social media accounts is a key element of a successful marketing strategy for small businesses. By regularly sharing relevant and engaging content with your audience, you can build brand awareness, increase engagement, and ultimately drive more traffic, leads, and sales for your business. There are many types of ...