Banana Fana Fo Co.

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Cost Matters: Why Talking About Money and Marketing is Hard

I'm going to preface this by saying that we don't call people out here. That's scary, right? Like, seriously, where is this going? We don't call people out. We don't take it personally. We don't shame you. We don't criticize the parts of your business that you already feel crummy about. We don't ...

You Suck at Marketing

Marketing is an essential aspect of any business, big or small. It's the key to attracting customers, increasing sales, and growing your brand. That said – many of you (small business owners) suck at marketing. Listen, these are your words, not ours. We repeatedly jump onto calls where you say ...

Women-Owned Small Business Benchmarks 2023

Women-owned small businesses are a vital part of the U.S. economy contributing to job creation and economic growth. Analyzing recent statistics and trends related to women-owned small businesses can help you to set benchmarks and goals for your own business, or understand where you may be performing ahead of the ...

Small Businesses Need Data-Driven Marketing Strategies

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, small businesses face fierce competition when it comes to capturing the attention of potential customers. To effectively navigate this challenging environment, it's essential for small businesses to adopt data-driven marketing strategies...even if that sounds like jargon that you don't fully understand. We're here to break ...

7 Ways to Promote Your Booth at Pop-Up Events

Pop-up events provide excellent opportunities for small businesses to showcase their products and services to a diverse audience. However, with numerous other vendors vying for attention, it's crucial to have a well-planned strategy in place to promote your booth and attract visitors. Try these effective techniques to maximize your presence ...

Get an Edge with Promotional Items for Small Businesses

Small businesses face unique challenges in today's competitive marketplace. They often have limited resources to allocate toward marketing and advertising. However, one effective way for small businesses to promote themselves is by investing in promotional items and swag. Promotional items are tangible products that feature a company's logo, slogan, or message. ...

7 Ways to Access Capital for Small Business Growth

Small businesses often require capital to start or expand their operations, but access to capital can be a major challenge for small business owners. Fortunately, there are several ways that small businesses can gain access to the capital they need to succeed. In this blog post, we will discuss some ...

How Rural Small Businesses Overcome Infrastructure Challenges

Small businesses in rural areas often face infrastructure challenges that can limit their growth and profitability. Poor road networks, inadequate access to electricity, and limited internet connectivity are some of the significant challenges small businesses in rural areas face. Let's explore ways small businesses can overcome rural infrastructure issues to ...