Banana Fana Fo Co.

Copyright © Banana Fana Fo Co. 2023.  All rights reserved. 

Cycling social.


Cycle of Heart is a woman-owned fitness studio and boutique founded by Anna Alessi. Since 2019, the studio has delivered Kansas City’s top “no mirrors, no metrics” inclusive fitness experience and has gathered an authentic, supportive community to prove it. The brand is a magnet for positivity while being members’ #1 cheerleader along their fitness journeys – building up every skill level, body type and health goal.

The Banana team was drawn to Cycle of Heart by Anna’s unbounded energy and support of the people around her. When it comes to putting good into the world, we truly believe this is a company that is doing just that. The Cycle of Heart brand personality needed to be shared beyond the walls of the studio. We needed to translate that magic into the online space.

Cycle of Heart
Social Media, Brand Photography

Big idea.

In our earliest brainstorms, we came up with a bazillion ways that Cycle of Heart and Banana Fana Fo Co. needed to work together. Every single one is still an epic concept. But – as is usually the case – the answer we needed was to start simply. We had to ensure that the energy and joy in everything Anna had already built was being clearly conveyed to her community and non-members online. We wanted the entire effort to be measurable, so we chose to look at typical vanity metrics – social reach, engagement and following – alongside the ultimate business targets like growth in membership and boutique sales.

We approached this initiative with a few key tools:

  • Fresh brand photography to spotlight Cycle of Heart’s expanded class list
  • New graphics and video clips that reflected the existing brand style
  • 90 days of social media management to build consistency in online engagement


The Banana team jumped into action. Within 2 weeks, we had brand spanking new Cycle of Heart photography, custom graphics and video edits ready to roll. In the 1st week of consistent posting, the studio saw:

  • Instagram reach increased 24.1%
  • Facebook page visits increased 81.6%

This initial project with Cycle of Heart continues today. Visit this page for ongoing updates and success metrics.

LOVE ALL!! Excellent job! I am so excited!

Anna Alessi, Cycle of Heart

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